3 Reasons Why Hiring A Divorce Lawyer Makes Sense

Many couples come to the realization that their marriage is not working and divorce is the best option. This can be a very difficult and emotional decision to make. Once the decision to divorce has been made, some people may be tempted to attempt a DIY divorce without hiring a divorce lawyer. While it is possible to process a divorce without legal counsel, it is not recommended. When it comes to getting divorced, it is always in your best interest to hire an experienced divorce lawyer to represent you. [Read More]

3 Ways A Legal Brief Printing Service Can Save You Money

While you may be able to pass on some of your printing costs to your clients, this won't necessarily cover all your expenses. If you hire a specialist legal printing service, then you will see a number of cost-saving benefits. Some of these benefits help your firm directly. Plus, if you reduce your spending here, you can also give your clients more cost-effective services. How can print outsourcing save money? [Read More]

Will Getting A Divorce Be Difficult?

When people imagine the divorce process, they frequently assume that it has to be difficult. Modern divorce law, however, is largely designed to minimize conflicts and expedite the termination of marriages that no longer work. That doesn't necessarily mean every divorce will be super easy. Take a look at what factors make the process easier or harder and how that might affect you. State Laws As potential sources of difficulty go, the state where the divorce is adjudicated is one of the biggest factors. [Read More]

Filing For SSDI? Two Reasons To Work With A Social Security Attorney

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a wonderful program that can be a real godsend when you need an income but are unable to generate one due to injury or sickness. Knowing that you can count on receiving a check each month eases some of the anxiety that you might be feeling at the moment. Because you've maintained employment all of your life and have an illness or disability that meets the requirements, you probably think that you'll get an almost instantaneous approval. [Read More]